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Top 3 Priorities

End Common Core
At his first meeting as a member of the Idaho State Board of Education (SBE), Branden Durst will make a motion to end Common Core once and for all. The motion will direct the SBE to create a task force, led by parents/community members and supported by educators, administrators, representatives from the colleges of education and school board trustees. The task force will have six months to develop new state standards.

Stop Critical Race Theory
Also at his first meeting as a member of SBE, Branden Durst will make a motion to stop Critical Race Theory at all levels of Idaho public education. The motion will make clear that the teaching of divisive Critical Race Theory content, in any of its forms, and any other racially divisive theories are prohibited. It will further develop a policy to ensure that enforcement of the prohibition is meaningful.

Fund Students, Not Systems
As a conservative state, Idaho should be a leader in the school choice movement. Unfortunately, a lack of leadership at both the State Department of Education and the SBE has stymied any significant expansion of school choice in Idaho. As state superintendent, Branden Durst will make the passage of the Empower Parents in Education Act the cornerstone of his legislative agenda. The Act will create the most expansive school choice program in the United States. Learn more here.
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